Flaxseed Oil Side Effects in Clearing Acne - Are there Any?

Used for thousands of years, there have been no flaxseed oil side effects in clearing up acne and diminishing the amount of blemishes that appear on the skin.

If you are interested in obtaining your goal of clear skin and winning your long battle with acne, consider using this ingredient as your main tool.

Historically, flaxseed is the main source of the fiber that makes linen, a material that has been around since the days of ancient Egypt. When the seeds are pressed, an oil results that has medicinal and practical uses, including healing inflamed skin and curing constipation.

Healing Effects

When it comes to flaxseed oil side effects, the fatty acids in the oil work as the primary healing properties. These essential fatty acids are necessary for the body to use on a daily basis, but the body is unable to produce these necessary items for itself, so you must look to alternative sources to obtain essential fatty acids.

The main working essential fatty acid in this ingredient is the Omega-3 fatty acid that is usually found in fish. This Omega-3 fatty acid has recently been found to be a key to health and essential for treating all types of medical conditions, from acne to lupus to heart disease.

Another of the flaxseed oil side effects come from the lignans naturally found in the oil. Lignans directly affect hormone-related problems. Furthermore, initial testing has shown a link between lignans and a lower cancer risk.

Additionally lignans work to prevent fungi, bacteria, and viruses from infecting the body, especially those that cause cold sores and the painful medical condition known as the shingles. By eating the actual flaxseed fiber, you can work to stay regular and prevent constipation. This also helps the skin in its process of healing.

Treatment for a Variety of Medical Conditions

Again, there are some great health uses for flaxseed oil as it is used to treat a variety of medical issues, some of the main conditions treated involve the skin. These conditions include acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.

The naturally occurring essentially fatty acids work as an anti-inflammatory agent and also have several skin-smoothing properties.

When it comes to acne, the essentially fatty acids work to thin the oil, known as sebum, which is produced in the sebaceous glands below the pores. This sebum is the main cause of clogged pores, which later are infected with bacteria and form whiteheads or blackheads.

Side Effects

Just like any other type of treatment, you should consult your primary health care provider before you begin exploring the flaxseed oil side effects.

These precausions are especially true if you are pregnant, intending to become pregnant, or are currently breastfeeding a child.

Furthermore, be sure to avoid mistaking flaxseed oil for linseed oil that is sold in your local hardware store. Although flaxseed oil is often called linseed oil, the kind sold at hardware stores is inappropriate for consumption and may be detrimental to your health.

As well, you should avoid taking this ingredient if you currently have any bowel obstructions or have an allergy to the oil, since an allergic reaction can potentially cause death if anaphylaxis sets in.

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