Fraxel Acne Scar Treatment

Acne can affect sufferers both physically and emotionally, making Fraxel acne scar treatment essential. Especially during the teenage years, acne can produce a constant source of shame and embarrassment, especially if peers tease or poke fun of an individual due to the appearance of his or her skin.

Fraxel Acne Scar Treatment Can Help

Unfortunately, the effects of acne can last long after the blemishes have gone away. Acne scarring is a common problems and are often to the point that they cannot be covered by makeup and need professional removal. For this reason, the laser treatment known as fraxel is a viable option for individuals wanting to erase all traces of their battle with acne.

What is Fraxel Acne Scar Treatment?

This treatment is the cutting edge in laser removal for acne scars and is offered by many professional all over the country. Keep in mind that you should only consult professionals to perform the actual laser process in order to prevent any issues further down the road.

Additionally, before you seek any type of treatment to get rid of acne scars, you should speak with your dermatologist to determine the best course of action for you to take.

Fraxel uses Cutting Edge Technology

Differing from traditional laser treatments for acne scars, the Fraxel method uses the cutting edge technology known as Fractional Resurfacing. Instead of the entire surface of the skin being introduced to the laser, only a fraction of the skin is susceptible.

In only 30 to 45 minutes, the complete procedure is over and the results are astounding.

Unlike traditional laser therapies, your skin does not show evidence of a treatment, so Fraxel acne scar treatment is considered the “lunch break” alternative. Typically, treatments are spaced one week apart and number anywhere from three to seven, depending on the severity of the acne scarring.

Your level of treatment should be decided upon so that you can get a better understanding to the extent of the treatment in addition to an estimated cost.

Painless Scar Treatment

Most individuals who have undergone Fraxel acne scar treatment comment to the lack of pain or discomfort. Although typical laser treatments are not considerably painful, there is a certain level of discomfort often associated with the procedure.

For this reason, it is becoming more and more popular, especially with adults who wish to rid themselves of acne scars forever. Individuals with especially severe acne scarring, this laser treatment method can easily be combined with topical or oral medications.

This is also great for individuals who are battling with acne and want to use this course of treatment to clear up their skin in addition to removing acne scars.

Clinical Studies Show Dramatic Results with Fraxel

This treatment is a fantastic option that is becoming more and more popular as individuals choose to utilize this new technology. Furthermore, clinical studies show dramatic results in patients who choose to follow this method of laser treatment.

If you are interested in pursuing Fraxel treatment, turn to your dermatologist and he or she will be able to provide you with the name of a licensed office who specializes in the procedure in your area.

Although you do not need a special referral or recommendation to have the procedure, you are strongly encouraged to speak with your dermatologist before you begin any laser treatment.

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