How Do I Find Help for Adult Acne?

If you are seeking help for adult acne, you are not alone. Although the skin condition known as acne is widely associated with teenagers, more and more adults are starting to seek treatment for clearing up their skin.

It is believed that approximately 25 percent of all adults experience some issues with adult acne, regardless of whether or not they battled the skin condition during the teenage years.

Acne is not caused by unclean skin or poor hygiene, but rather from excess of oils produced in the pores. These oils work to mix with dirt, debris, dead skin cells, and pollutants found in the surrounding air and clog the pores. Bacteria on the surface of the skin then infect the pore, allowing an infection to develop that is shown in whiteheads or blackheads.

It should be known that there is a great deal of help for adult acne available, and many dermatologists specialize in adult patients as opposed to teenagers. For the most part, the same acne fighting topical ointments and oral medications prescribed for teenagers is also used in adults.

Help for adult acne - Get a clean skin again

Keep in mind that there are certain negative side effects associated with both topical and oral prescription medications, which can potentially include interactions with other medications you take on a daily basis. Also, there are many treatments that are generally not an option for teenagers due to excessive costs.

Skin Care Professionals Can Help for Adult Acne

When looking for adult acne help, turn to skin care professionals. This can be a dermatologist or aesthetician, like the one I had who specialized in skin care problems. He or she will be able to correctly diagnose the exact type of acne you are experiencing, as there are numerous types of the skin condition that respond differently to different treatments.

One common cause of adult acne is oily skin from the overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands. You will find it beneficial to consider an oily skin remedy that would both work for you and you would be comfortable with.

Seek out a Professional Aesthetician

Another great source for help for adult acne is a spa that has a professional aesthetician on hand to provide skin care advice. Typically, more exclusive spas have this professional on their staff and you can book an appointment to meet and discuss your problems.

In addition to potentially solving your problems with acne, these appointments generally include a facial or related treatment that will keep your skin healthy and rejuvenated.

Many adults, both men and women, find that regular facials help their skin care issues by keeping their skin properly exfoliated and moisturized.

Talk to a Good Nutritionist

Although it may seem a unique option when seeking help for adult acne is a trip to a nutritionist. The old saying, “you are what you eat” is quite true, and an improper diet can directly affect that quality and appearance of your skin.

Although no specific food has been known to directly cause acne, food allergies can often trigger acne as one of the allergic responses.

Keep in mind that food allergies can develop over time, so although you have never had an allergy in the past, then that does not necessarily mean you should rule out this option.

A simple allergy test can confirm if you are having issues with any specific type of food. Also, eating a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and drinking enough water can dramatically impact the look of your skin.

There is Hope for Adult Acne Sufferers

As you can see, there are several resources you can turn to as a starting point to get help for adult acne. Make sure you do your own research first and find a route you are comfortable with in treating your acne.

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