Severe Acne Treatment Made Easy

Severe acne treatment programs are often much more in depth than traditional acne treatments.

If you are experiencing severe, painful acne, be sure to make an appointment with a dermatologist to discuss your options. Symptoms of severe acne include deep cysts, scarring, extensive skin damage, and inflammation.

There are many different types of acne that can develop into severe forms of acne, and there are several treatment options that can help clear up your skin. In addition to clearing your skin, these treatment programs can also work to eliminate deep acne scars that are often left as a reminder of your condition.

Cystic Acne

If you have a type of acne that develops into cystic acne, there are different treatment options available. Many individuals find that these cysts are deep and painful, causing the need for drainage and even surgical excision. Visit your dermatologist’s office and inquire on the exact process.

Since some of the large cysts are not responsive to medications, a type of invasive surgery is preferred. This drainage and removal process should only be performed by professionals, so be sure to avoid home surgeries, which can often lead to scarring and even blood poisoning if an unclean tool is used.

Also, avoid picking, squeezing, or pinching at cysts, since the bacteria underneath your fingernails can add to the problem.

Severe Acne Treatment Options

Cortiocosteroid Injection

Another type of treatment that is commonly used is the interlesional cortiocosteroid injection. Using this method, a steroid injection is made directly into the cyst, which can completely deconstruct the lesion in three to five days.

This method is often preferred over the more invasive surgical methods to prevent scarring and other problems from occurring. Also, the injection works to heal the skin from the inside out, so that the cyst will not directly reform.


For individuals with extremely severe cystic acne or acne that has proved to be resistant to other medications, choose the severe acne treatment that uses isotretinoin. This isotretinoin is a synthetic form of the vitamin A in a pill form. This treatment is used for 16 to 20 weeks and is taken either once of twice a day.

Typically the isotretinoin treatment is the most effective form of treatment for severe acne, as it works on the four main factors of acne: oil production, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation. Once the skin has been cleared, only one treatment may be enough. For most severe cases of acne, a reoccurring dosage of treatment is necessary.

Typically, before you begin a treatment of isotretinoin, most dermatologists will start a severe acne treatment of oral antibiotics. This treatment reduces the amount of bacteria on the skin, usually P. acnes, although the bacteria may become eventually become resistant.

Usually, doxycline, minocycline, tetracycline, and ertyhromycine are used to treat severe acne. Keep in mind that these are strong forms of antibiotic and can potentially interact with other types of medications you are currently taking. Also, you should avoid taking any antibiotics on a long term basis, since resistance can occur.

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