acne statin

by julia
(greensboro north carolina)

This stuff came out in the 70s. I remember the ads as a child. In the 90s they had an infomercial. I purchased the product and it worked great. Does not dry skin, it is a completely different approach to acne. Great for sensitive skin. Pro activ worked great for about 6 months then I developed some sort of reaction where I literally had hundreds of little red bumps.

The acne statin worked great in the 90s and I used it for about a year or two. Then , like many people do, I got bored and tried other prodcuts even though my skin looked great. Didn't have acne for years, then at age 40 my skin went crazy. I had used antibiotics and accutane in the 80s but by 2006 had a severe acne relapse. Looked on the internet and remembered acne statin (they don't do any advertising at all anymore) ordered the product and have been using it steadily since then. I was so scared to run out that I bought like 30 bottles of the cleanser/moisturizing lotion. Acne statin will be weird at first for most users because it doesn't dry your skin at all.

You put this mild non drying mosituring lotion on your face, steam it off with a hot washcloth and then put on a light coat of the same stuff you cleansed with as a moisturizer. No smell or irritation. At first your skin will break out a little more as the acne statin pulls the zits out of your skin (they call this the cleansing period) after about 3 months I had perfectly clear skin and even my blackheads on my nose are gone.

The only drawback to acne statin for me personally is that when I put on the cleanser/moisturizing lotion on as a moisturizer, it makes my hair greasy. Since I am on maintenance now, I just wash once or twice a day with the cleanser/moisturizer and only leave it on my face once or twice a week. Have gone off acne statin before, but when I stay off more than a week or two the pimples will start popping up.

I would recommend this product if dermatologist treatments, retin a, and proactive or Murad are irritating and drying for you, or if you have tried everything else and are desperate. The product is very simple and low key but it really, really works.

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Sep 30, 2016
Good stuff
by: Anonymous

I have been using this product for 40 plus years. I never had really bad acne as a teenager, but did have periodic breakouts. This stuff works great on my skin for acne, razor burn and sun burn. I have only had a delivery problem once in 40 years, but the product eventually was delivered. The last time I ordered this product from NH it was delivered in less than a week. I would recommend anyone to give it a try. Be patient - it does not work overnight.

Oct 16, 2015
There is nothing else like it. Period.
by: Anonymous

I had been on antiobiotics for 20 years, prescribed by DR.s because my acne was so bad. I saw an acne statin commercial in the 90.s and tried it. It changed everything. I got off of the antiobiotics, the cysts I had (even with the antiobiotics) were gone within 3 months. Within 5 months, I looked like I had never had acne in my entire life.

Then in the late 90's, it became hard to buy (I think there was some complaint that it didn't do what it said! Unbelievable!!! and the company suffered. My guess is that is why they don't advertise like they used to.)

Anyway, I switched to something else (my skin was magnificently clear) and tried to do the best i could, still using some of my acne statin when i needed it (yes, I had hoarded many bottles!)

Then one day, I couldn't buy it anymore, tried, but never had delivery.. so for several years, i gave up. I haven't used it in a while and then last month, i had a HUGE flashback outbreak on my face and neck of acne. I went through all my cabinets and found 1 bottle of acne statin! Praise God!!! I am using it now and my face is improving fast. So I just googled it to see if they are still even making it and they are! I plan to order a boatload!!

I feel so bad for those who have severe acne (like me) and never heard of acne statin or got a chance to use it. My guess is it may not work for everyone, but for those of us it DOES work for, it is beyond words of the relief it brings!

Jun 07, 2014
I NEED to find Acne Statin again...
by: Amelia

It is now 2014 and I'm in a panic because I can't buy Acne Statin ANYWHERE. Apparently they were sued and had to downsize big time....but now you can't even order the stuff. Because so many bottles came in an order, I made each order last for literally years. But now I'm out of it and wanted my son to use it, because it's the mildest and best skin treatment I've ever used.

My conspiracy theory (haha) is that they were put out of business by the rest of the industry because you really only needed one product - it cleaned, you steamed and it moisturized.

No other products to buy - not good for the beauty industry!

May 27, 2014
I love Acne Statin but can't get it anymore...
by: Anonymous

Acne Statin is the best cleanser/skin care product I've ever used. When I used to get blind pimples, all I had to do was steam my face, apply the "blue" bottle cream, and in the morning it would be gone.

Unfortunately it appears that somebody sued them and they've gone out of business. I cannot find ANY way to order the bottles. Some are on backorder, but when I try to order online, I get a message that they cannot accept money. Plus, all the lines are disconnected.


Apr 06, 2012
acne statin
by: john

I've been using acne statin for years and in my opinion, it's by far the best skin care product out there. I tried pretty much everything and AC blows them all away. Give it a try,you will love it.

May 22, 2011
I concurr
by: Anonymous

I agree with Sharon - I never had really bad acne, but this stuff works for me. It is good for sun burn and razer burn.

Dec 16, 2010
Acne-statin user for years
by: sharon of NC

I too suffered with severe acne, blackheads, red bumps, on my face. I have tried so many products and spent so much money.

I recall seeing an ad for acne-statin in my twenties and decided to try the kit.

I was impressed and a user for life. I am now over 50 and still use acne cleanser/moisturizer lotion every day. I do not have to use any other products. I highly recommend this product and will continue to use it. Sharon

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