Isotretinoin Journal
by Candy
I was diagonsed with mild adult acne over a month ago. My Dermatologist prescribed me with 20 mg of isotretinoin and 2 other antibiotics for a span of 2 months. Below is my journal:
Week One
I did not experience anything much. Just a dry lips and skin. I was positive that this might work as I have never had acne all my life.
Week Two
Bad news!!! I get sun burn around my lips. It's painful and horrid to look at. Even worse, I see by the end of the second week my acne has increased. I have got new zits (which are huge) in places I never had. I read there is a possibility that this could happen.
Week 3
Even though my pimples are now better I have got a very painful cyst on my chin and I am worried if I am going to get more. :(