Lemon juice works for scarring

by Kirsten

I found your site very reassuring and helpful. Although my acne is only mild-moderate, the reddish marks left behind by acne are so frustrating! I am a teenager, and it's just difficult when you're in with so many people with perfect skin. I have been using lemon juice once in a while, and within two weeks the marks are less noticable. Although other people don't see the problem, they make me feel very insecure. Thanks again!

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Apr 24, 2011
I'll have to try it
by: Tee Brogan

Ok thanks I will have to try that sometime...it may not taste that great but if it will help get rid of acne its worth a try.

Apr 24, 2011
Using lemon juice for scars
by: Yvette

Hi Tee,

You can do both. You can apply real lemon juice topically to your scars by dabbing the juice directly onto any discolored areas. Lemon juice has natural bleaching properties.

You can also drink pure lemon juice mixed with olive oil or water to cleanse your body of toxins. This is more of a long-term solution to preventing acne.

Hope this helps!

Apr 23, 2011
How do you use it?
by: Tee Brogan

I have been on accutane for like about a month, and my acne is getting better but i have some scars and redness....how do i use the lemon juice? drink it? or do i like rub it on my face?

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